Andy McArthur, Ed.D

1:1 Personal
Finance Coaching
Build a Financial Legacy
Taking small steps to a better tomorrow.
Money should bring you...
More Freedom
Greater Happiness
Purposeful Legacy
Money isn't suppose to make you...
Stressed out.
Anxious about paying bills.
Weighed down with worry.

Take back control

1. Free Consultation
Your first coaching session will help determine if financial coaching is right for you.
45 minutes. Free. Online, in person, or over the phone.
2. Coaching Sessions
1:1 Financial coaching sessions focused on your goals and tailored to your personal situation! We will establish clear & simple steps to guide you in the best way to move forward to achieve your financial goals and dreams!
45 minute sessions. Follow-up call. Unlimited email support. Price varies based on package. Online, in person, over the phone.
3. Experience:
More Freedom,
Greater Happiness,
& Purposeful Legacy
Watch what small steps, consistently applied over time, can do for you!
About Me.
Over twenty five years ago, I became a teacher because I loved working with youth (especially youth who didn't want to be in class). I obtained my Masters and Doctoral degree's in Education. I loved teaching, but never seemed to have enough money--I thought I was living the 'normal' life (paycheck to paycheck and a forever mortgage).
In an effort to get ahead, I built a spec home to sell in 2007. That was the changing point for me. As you may recall, the housing market crashed and I woke up finding myself tens of thousands of dollars in debt, on a teachers salary, and wondering what in the world I had just done to my family. I will never forget that moment! I was so stressed (to this day, I still have weird health problems when money issues arise). I had recently started listening to Dave Ramsey and so I called him.
My family and I went all in. My wife, Marsjon and I took FPU and worked so hard. Our motto became "every penny counts." Time passed and eventually we paid off all our debts and recently paid cash for our current home. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be where I am today. It was the small things we did, consistently over time, that led to the results we have today.
I have been teaching since 1999 and coaching others since 2008. I recently became trained in financial coaching and have loved it. I'm excited to help others find peace, happiness, and create a legacy that will make them proud.
You can do it--one step at a time!
I hope to see you in a coaching session soon!